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L’intelligence, des origines naturelles aux frontières artificielles – Intelligence humaine vs. Intelligence artificielle
L’histoire parallèle de l’évolution de l’intelligence humaine et de l’intelligence artificielle constitue un voyage fascinant, mettant en lumière les voies distinctes mais interconnectées de l’évolution biologique et de l’innovation technologique. Cette histoire peut être considérée comme une série de développements … Citeşte mai mult
Fizica simplificată
O introducere în teoriile şi conceptele, forţele fundamentale şi particule, metode şi tabele utilizate în fizică, subdomenii şi domenii ştiinţifice înrudite, cu accent pe înţelegerea fenomenelor fizice. Fizica clasică se ocupă, în general, cu materia și energia la scară normală … Citeşte mai mult
London: Business, Travel, Culture
London, the only city to have hosted the Olympics three times (1908, 1948, 2012), is dynamic and very diverse culturally. It plays an important role in art and fashion. It receives 28 million tourists per year and has four sites … Citeşte mai mult
Beginner’s Guide for Cybercrime Investigators
In the real world there are people who enter the homes and steal everything they find valuable. In the virtual world there are individuals who penetrate computer systems and „steal” all your valuable data. Just as in the real world, … Citeşte mai mult
Bridge Bidding – Standard American Yellow Card
This book present some of the most important bridge bidding systems used in duplicate bridge tournaments, detailing the most known bridge bidding system, Standard American Yellow Card, by using a logical sequential order for openings, answers, competitive bids and defensive … Citeşte mai mult