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Psychology of the film Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
Psychology of the film Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovsky

Tarkovski’s film is a drama of pain and partial recovery centered on the psychology of the Solaris station crew. Tarkovski wanted to address this way the deeply emotional and intellectual science-fantastic genre, considered by him to be superficial. The film … Citeşte mai mult

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Intelligence Analysis
Intelligence Analysis

The analysts are in the field of „knowledge”. Intelligence refers to knowledge and the types of problems addressed are knowledge problems. So, we need a concept of work based on knowledge. We need a basic understanding of what we know … Citeşte mai mult

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Ce este eugenia?
Ce este eugenia?

Termenul eugenie, ca practică și domeniu de studiu, a fost inventat către Francis Galton în 1883, bazându-se pe opera vărului său, Charles Darwin, genetica mendeliană și teoriile lui August Weismann (teoria plasmei germenilor, conform căreia informația ereditară este transmisă numai … Citeşte mai mult

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The future of eugenics
The future of eugenics

A „free-market” approach to the genetic development of children may result in a homogenizing. Parents may be inclined to choose according to models accepted by society. In this case, improving technologies „will grant racism and homophobia an unprecedented efficacy.” One … Citeşte mai mult

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Knowledge Engineering and Intelligence Gathering
Knowledge Engineering and Intelligence Gathering

A process of intelligence gathering begins when a user enters a query into the system. Several objects can match the result of a query with different degrees of relevance. Most systems estimate a numeric value about how well each object … Citeşte mai mult

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Solaris, regia Andrei Tarkovsky – Aspecte psihologice
Solaris, regia Andrei Tarkovsky – Aspecte psihologice

Filmul lui Tarkovski este o „dramă a durerii și a redresării parțiale” concentrată asupra psihologiei echipajului stației de pe Solaris. Tarkovski a dorit astfel să abordeze mai profund emoțional și intelectual genul științifico-fantastic, considerat de el ca fiind superficial. Filmul … Citeşte mai mult

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La technologie blockchain
La technologie blockchain

De par sa conception, une blockchain est „un grand livre ouvert et distribué capable d’enregistrer les transactions entre deux parties de manière efficace, vérifiable et permanente”, généralement gérée par un réseau d’égal à égal adhérant à un protocole communication de … Citeşte mai mult

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Sculpting in Time, with Andrei Tarkovsky
Sculpting in Time, with Andrei Tarkovsky

Tarkovsky opposed to the movie editing and considered that the basis of the art of cinematography (movie art) is the internal rhythm of images. He considers cinema as a representation of distinctive currents or time waves, transmitted in the film … Citeşte mai mult

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Intelligence cycle
Intelligence cycle

The intelligence cycle is a set of processes used to provide useful information for decision-making. The cycle consists of several processes. The related counter-intelligence area is tasked with preventing information efforts from others. A basic model of the process of … Citeşte mai mult

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Evoluția contemporană a conceptului de siguranță națională
Evoluția contemporană a conceptului de siguranță națională

După încheierea Războiului Rece, guvernele și agențiile de informații au continuat să utilizeze modelul convențional pentru a evalua amenințările de stat. Dar conceptele de securitate s-au îndepărtat de o confruntare extrem de militarizată între adversari cunoscuți și a crescut îngrijorarea … Citeşte mai mult

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Newton-Hooke controversy in the opinion of scientists
Newton-Hooke controversy in the opinion of scientists

A presentation of Hooke’s 1674 monograph introducing the idea of universal gravity was included in the Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society 1775) and subsequently several letters containing observations, including one of Huygens. But obviously, after the publication of Principia in 1687, … Citeşte mai mult

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Support and trend of falsifiability
Support and trend of falsifiability

Popper’s supporters argued that most criticism is based on an incomprehensible interpretation of his ideas. They argue that Popper should not be interpreted as meaning that falsifiability is a sufficient condition for the demarcation of science. Some passages seem to … Citeşte mai mult

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La revendication de Hooke sur la loi de la gravité
La revendication de Hooke sur la loi de la gravité

Dans une note intitulée « Un état vrai de l’affaire et la controverse entre Sr Isaak Newton et le Dr Robert Hooke comme priorité de cette noble hypothèse du mouvement des planètes autour du Soleil en tant que leurs centres … Citeşte mai mult

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Imre Lakatos, The methodology of scientific research programmes – An Overview
Imre Lakatos, The methodology of scientific research programmes – An Overview

The methodology of scientific research programmes is a collection of papers published over time expressing a radical review of Popper’s demarcation criterion between science and non-science, leading to a new theory of scientific rationality. Volume I address aspects of the … Citeşte mai mult

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Criticism of Falsifiability
Criticism of Falsifiability

Thomas Kuhn criticized falsifiability because it characterized „the entire scientific enterprise in terms that apply only to its occasional revolutionary parts,” and it cannot be generalized. In Kuhn’s view, a delimitation criterion must refer to the functioning of normal science. … Citeşte mai mult

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Imre Lakatos despre falsificaționismul dogmatic
Imre Lakatos despre falsificaționismul dogmatic

Falsificaționismul dogmatic admite falsificabilitatea tuturor teoriilor științifice fără calificare, dar păstrează un fel de bază empirică infailibilă. Este strict empiricist fără a fi inductivist: neagă faptul că certitudinea bazei empirice poate fi transmisă teoriilor. Astfel, falsificabilitatea dogmatică este cea mai … Citeşte mai mult

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The Intelligence Community
The Intelligence Community

Intelligence services are currently focusing on the fight against terrorism, leaving relatively little resources to monitor other security threats. For this reason, they often ignore external information activities that do not pose immediate threats to their government’s interests. Extremely few … Citeşte mai mult

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Falsification and refutation
Falsification and refutation

A scientific theory, according to Popper, can be legitimately saved from falsification by introducing an auxiliary hypothesis to generate new, falsifiable predictions. Also, if there are suspicions of bias or error, the researchers might introduce an auxiliary falsifiable hypothesis that … Citeşte mai mult

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Solaris, regia Andrei Tarkovsky – Tehnica cinematografică
Solaris, regia Andrei Tarkovsky – Tehnica cinematografică

Tarkovsky a dezvoltat o teorie a cinematografiei pe care a numit-o „sculptarea în timp”. Prin aceasta el a vrut să evidențieze caracteristica unică a cinematografiei ca mediu, aceea de aborda experiența noastră despre timp și de a o modifica. Filmul … Citeşte mai mult

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Blockchain Design and Modelling
Blockchain Design and Modelling

Ontology engineering, along with semantic Web technologies, allow the semantic development and modeling of the operational flow required for blockchain design. The semantic Web, in accordance with W3C, provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused … Citeşte mai mult

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